Weasel Coffee Drip bag product of Hata's cafe brand roasted by traditional methods of Huongmai Cafe
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User GuideReview
1. Tear filter bag
Tear along line "Open here" line
2. Pull hook
Pull the hook from both sides hang on the cup
3. Pour bolled water through
Gently pour boiling water around 90 - 90oC inside until the pass through the drip Bag and into the cup for coffee to "bloom". Continue pouring the boiling water over the wet coffee.
4. Enjoy your coffee
Average Customer: 3895 | Total Reviews: 1
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1. Tear filter bag
Tear along line "Open here" line
2. Pull hook
Pull the hook from both sides hang on the cup
3. Pour bolled water through
Gently pour boiling water around 90 - 90oC inside until the pass through the drip Bag and into the cup for coffee to "bloom". Continue pouring the boiling water over the wet coffee.
4. Enjoy your coffee
Average Customer: 3895 | Total Reviews: 1 Write a review