Vina Cafe Yellow 3in1 - 24 Sachets 20gr

$3 Review rate: rating Vina Cafe Yellow 3in1 - 24 Sachets 20gr


Vinacafe bag of 8 kind of best nuts coffee Vietnam is an instant coffee product 3 in 1, were selected from the coffee fruit berries of 8 specialty coffee area in Vietnam, combined with the secret distribution private mixed to smell and taste. New Vinacafé gives your family the pure natural flavor deep ethereal flavor.

Unit: Bag
Packing: 20bags/Carton
Net Weight: 24 sachets x 20gr
Ingrediets: Coffee, creamer, sugar.
Type: instant coffee
Exp. Date: 2 year
Country Orgin: Viet Nam
User Guide: for hot or cool drinks

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Review: rating Vina Cafe Yellow 3in1 - 24 Sachets 20gr

Coffee maker are int
Reviewer: Tomoko
Coffee maker are intented to brew cfofee. Invest in buying a tea pot or you can even buy a cup that has a strainer built in to it. These cups with strainer can be bought on some Asian store or you can find one online, the prices are from $3 and up. The perfect brewing for tea is that your water is about 160 degrees, you can tell by when the water has tiny bubbles along the edges. If you brew it hotter than 160 then you kill the flavenoids which is the component of the tea that is an anti oxidant
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